FireVista™, SciVista’s flagship fire management software platform, addresses critical needs associated with emerging Prescribed Burn targets in areas of: Planning, Training, Risk Management, and Community Outreach.
Potential customers include the US Forest Service, the Department of Defense, Dept of the Interior (BIA), and multiple other federal and state agencies. Recent developments now have these agencies setting targets for a 10x increase in acres treated with prescribed fire each year. More prescribed burns are crucial for reducing extreme wildfire risk. Additional trained staff is necessary for better efficiency, decreased escapes, and to save lives and property.
FireVista™ can simulate various fire scenarios in a controlled, risk-free environment. Fire fighters can practice, analyze their efforts, and make actionable changes related to their training without ever risking life or property. FireVista™ can also assist in the planning and execution of burns or thinning procedures on real-world geo locations. FireVista™ can also be used for public education, helping communities plan and understand the importance of prescribed burns in Wildfire Management. If you or your agency is looking to the future of Fire Management systems, contact SciVista today to learn more about how we can combine your efforts with the latest Fire Technologies!